My earliest memory of Eurovision was being home sick one day and turning on the television to see Spain win the second Junior Eurovision Song Contest. I did everything I could to try describe the show to my friends and family but no one was really sure what I was on about. I was sure it was a strange lucid dream. Then the following May I saw an ad for the 2005 contest taking place in Kyiv and I’ve been completely obsessed ever since.

While I enjoy the variety of performances, bits and moments each song brings to try capture the attention of the audience, my all time favourite Eurovision song has to be the 1979 winner from Israel - ‘Hallelujah’. The 1988 UK entry ‘Go’ is a close second.

Outside of Eurovision, I live in Canberra with my partner and our dog. I work for the Commonwealth in a communications and governance role - skills I hope I can bring to the committee and the club! I’m always up for a chat so please feel free to drop me a line at anytime.